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Filesystem Schema

  • id String - A unique identifier for each filesystem. This is automatically generated.
  • name String - The human-readable name for the filesystem.
  • description String - The human-readable description for the filesystem.
  • size BigInt (String) - The storage size of this filesystem given in GiB.
  • region String - The identifier for the region this filesystem exists in (eg. ARC-IS-HAF-1).
  • type String - The storage type of the filesystem. Possible values are vast.
  • status String - The filesystem status. Possible values are creating, created, deleting.
  • mount_endpoint_range Tuple[String, String] - The start and end IP of the mount endpoint range. Expressed as a array with two entries.
  • mount_base_path String - The base path on the server under which the mount point can be accessed.
  • created_at String - A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the filesystem was created.
  • updated_at String - A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the filesystem was updated.

This resource does not exist for legacy projects and accounts.

Mounting the filesystem

To mount the filesystem inside a instance use the values of the mount_endpoint_range and mount_base_path fields to build the mount command.

First create a mount destination:

mkdir /mnt/nfs

Then, given the following values as example

"mount_endpoint_range": ["", ""],
"mount_base_path": "/7cd68eba-c74c-11ee-a2cf-57cd29ef9c84",

the mount command for nfs-client would be (install with apt-get install nfs-client):

# choose a random IP from the range - as the connection IP. In this case we chose as an example.
mount -o proto=tcp,vers=3,nconnect=8 /mnt/nfs

and using vastnfs (available if the type is "vast", installation instructions here):

# choose a random IP from the range - as the connection IP. In this case we chose as an example.
mount -o proto=tcp,vers=3,nconnect=16,spread_writes,spread_reads,remoteports= /mnt/nfs

Create a Filesystem

To create a new filesystem, send a request to:

POST /compute/v1/filesystems (HTTP 201 - Created)

The attribute values that must be set to successfully create a filesystem are:

Body parameters

  • name String Required - The human-readable name set for the filesystem.
  • description String Optional - The human-readable description set for the filesystem.
  • size BigInt Required - The storage size of this filesystem given in GiB (Min: 1GiB).
  • region String Required - The identifier for the region in which this filesystem should be created in, see Regions.
  • type String Optional - The storage type of this filesystem. Defaults to vast, see Filesystem Schema.
"name": "<filesystem name>",
"description": "<filesystem description>",
"size": 1000,
"region": "NORD-NO-KRS-1",
"type": "vast"

Response body

The filesystem will be created using the provided information. The response body will contain a JSON object with standard attributes for your new filesystem, see Filesystem Schema:

"filesystem": {
"id": "0580fb4c-de74-4b83-8bdb-1fd87d89f827",
"name": "<filesystem name>",
"description": "<filesystem description>",
"size": 1000,
"region": "NORD-NO-KRS-1",
"type": "vast",
"mount_endpoint_range": ["", ""],
"mount_base_path": "/7cd68eba-c74c-11ee-a2cf-57cd29ef9c84",
"status": "created",
"created_at": "2024-01-28T07:53:11.177Z",
"updated_at": "2024-01-28T07:53:11.177Z"

List Filesystems

Lists all filesystems of an account.

GET /compute/v1/filesystems (HTTP 200 - OK)

Query parameters

  • per_page Integer Optional - A positive integer lower than or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return (default: 50).
  • page Integer Optional - A positive integer to choose the page to return.

Response body

The response will be a JSON object with pagination details and a key called filesystems. This will be set to an array of filesystem objects, each of which will contain the filesystem object, see Filesystem Schema:

"filesystems": [
"id": "0580fb4c-de74-4b83-8bdb-1fd87d89f827",
"name": "<filesystem name>",
"description": "<filesystem description>",
"size": 1000,
"region": "NORD-NO-KRS-1",
"type": "vast",
"mount_endpoint_range": ["", ""],
"mount_base_path": "/7cd68eba-c74c-11ee-a2cf-57cd29ef9c84",
"status": "created",
"created_at": "2024-01-28T07:53:11.177Z",
"updated_at": "2024-01-28T07:53:11.177Z"
"total_count": 1,
"page": 1,
"per_page": 50

Get Filesystem

Get details of one filesystem with a given ID.

GET /compute/v1/filesystems/<filesystem_id> (HTTP 200 - OK)

Path parameters:

  • filesystem_id String - filesystem id

Response body

The response will be a JSON object that contains the filesystem attributes, see Filesystem Schema:

"filesystem": {
"id": "0580fb4c-de74-4b83-8bdb-1fd87d89f827",
"name": "<filesystem name>",
"description": "<filesystem description>",
"size": 1000,
"region": "NORD-NO-KRS-1",
"type": "vast",
"mount_endpoint_range": ["", ""],
"mount_base_path": "/7cd68eba-c74c-11ee-a2cf-57cd29ef9c84",
"status": "created",
"created_at": "2024-01-28T07:53:11.177Z",
"updated_at": "2024-01-28T07:53:11.177Z"

Delete a Filesystem

Delete a filesystem with the given ID

DELETE /compute/v1/filesystems/<filesystem_id>  (HTTP 204 - No content)

Path parameters:

  • filesystem_id String - filesystem id

Examples (cURL)

# Create a new filesystem
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-raw '{
"name": "name",
"size": 1000,
"region": "NORD-NO-KRS-1",
"type": "vast"
# List all filesystems
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
# Get a filesystem by id
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
# Delete a filesystem by id
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
-X DELETE "<filesystem_id>"